
Central Library of Charles University

Come to our libraries

Neither books nor librarians bite. I promise! Charles University libraries can help you in many situations. Below, you will find a lot of interesting and helpful information about libraries and their services, which can help you, whether you are new at the university or you have already completed a few semesters. Let’s do this. 

Library system 

Charles University has a lot of libraries available to use. It’s not just about borrowing books there (or board games, anatomic models…), but also for sitting down and studying, or just relaxing between lectures. Each faculty has at least one library that covers the disciplines taught at that faculty. You can use their services with a CU (Student) Card, which you can get at any of the Card Service Centers and with e-application.

The list of libraries, their contacts and websites can be found here. 

However, it is also important to know how to behave in the library (and towards the library), and the Charles University Library and Circulation Rules will help you with that.

How can I use library services?

After obtaining your CU (Student) Card and as a student/employee of ‘Charles University, submit an electronic application. By completing the application form, you agree to comply with the Charles University Library and Circulation Rules and with providing personal data. Before agreeing, check the pre-filled e-mail address to which you will later receive library information, including notifications of the end of the loan period or messages about prepared reservations. It only takes a moment and then you can make full use of library services and manage your personal user account.

What are the benefits of a user account?

You can:

  • view your loans and extend them
  • view or cancel existing loan requests
  • view your fines, fees, blocks and messages and personal information (contacts)
  • view and remove a previously saved result (record) or search from Favorites

Where can I manage my user account and find available documents (books, scripts, journals, …)?

In the Central Search Engine of Charles University from A to Ž, aka UKAŽ. You can simultaneously search for printed and electronic documents available at our university; not only books and magazines, but also articles, university theses, conference materials, etc. For account management, access to electronic documents and information on the availability of printed documents, it is necessary to log in to CAS (same as SIS) with login details.

You can access UKAŽ at https://ukaz.cuni.cz/en.

You can make the whole process of searching for information sources more pleasant and efficient with our Search Tips.

I can’t log in to my user account in UKAŽ. What’s happening?

If you have been studying at the CU for some time, you have already entered electronic consent, but you still cannot log in, your registration has probably expired. To renew your registration, do it via electronic renewal form.

Can I pre-order a book and just pick it up at the library?

Yes, but not every single one. UKAŽ allows you to make a request. You simply log in to your account, search for the desired book, click on the button and select a library, where you will pick the book up. This button appears only for titles that are loaned or for books with a mandatory reservation (usually these are books that need to be ordered from the warehouse). You can then find your request in your user account on the Requests tab, where you can monitor the current status of the request or cancel it. Borrowed books must be returned to the library where you borrowed it. More information here.

Can I access electronic resources from home?

Yes, most electronic resources are available to you both from study rooms, from the comfort of your home or from anywhere you have access to the Internet, it’s so-called remote access. All you need is to be logged in in UKAŽ.

I can’t get to the article I want or I can’t find the book I need, what now?

When you come across a link to an electronic resource (book, article, journal…) marked with the note “Pouze pro/Only for”, you will only be able to access it if you are from the said faculty or unit. However, do not despair, it is also possible to go to the faculty library and read this document there.

If the text you are looking for is not available for CU in any form, you can ask your library for the Interlibrary Loan Service. Contact your library for specific information.

If, according to the instructions, the electronic resource should be available for you, or you think that something is wrong with it (for example, the link does not go where it should), do not hesitate to report it to us using the “Report a Problem” button and we will look into it. If you let your email here, we can reach you with some further information or help you to find needed document in different, legal, way.

I found this button . Can I click on it?

Yes. If you come across a “CUNI” icon or a link with the text “CUNI link” anywhere, you can click on it without any worries. It works in a way, that it will display an UKAŽ record with a list of links where the document can be read in electronic form. If the CU libraries have the document in printed form, you can find out in this way whether and where it is possible to borrow it.

I need to look up a database, where can I find it?

Sometimes it is important to start your search in a specific database. We know this, which is why you will find them all together on the Portal of Electronic Resources (PEZ). You can find here subscribed full-text databases (books and journals), but there are also these ones without a full-text (various tools, statistics, abstracts, citation managers…) as well as open access resources and trial accesses. You can use filters to refine your searches. For each resource you will find a short description with the content and features of the database.

You can access PEZ at https://ezdroje.cuni.cz/?lang=en

I have a problem but this article doesn’t answer it, where can I go?

If you have come across a problem, for example, outside of the library’s working hours or you simply don’t like to write emails, you can have a look at Alma Wiki. This page contains many other instructions and tips, such as the best and most efficient way to search for information resources, how to borrow an e-book, but it can also help with login problems or extending a loan.

And if you’re more concerned (or interested in) about electronic resources, read the Electronic Resources: A Practical Guide to the ER at CU.


Don’t be afraid to go to libraries! We have more services for you than just borrowing books and we are happy to help you out. Come to our study rooms with friends, watch the events organized by the CU libraries, after all, libraries and universities simply belong together ?

Your libraries

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