
Central Library of Charles University

Registration renewal to services of CU libraries

Students, staff of CU (Charles University), and general public (holders of the card of external user of services or the card of the Alumni Club) can renew their registration to the CU libraries. To renew your registration, you need to own one of the CU cards available at CU Point. You also need to have a relationship to CU (student, mployee, external user, Alumni Club member). Online renewal of registration is not possible if you have outstanding fees at the library.

Registration renewal

To renew your registration, you’ll be prompted to log in through the CU Central Authentication Service. For this, your personal number and a valid password are necessary. Upon logging in via CAS, your current personal details will be displayed. It’s important to verify the accuracy of your address and email. Should any details be outdated, please contact the library for updates. Once all conditions for registration renewal are satisfied, the “Renew Registration to:” button will be available for you to complete the renewal process. A registration can be renewed if it is expired or if it expires in less than 30 days.

Possible problems with renewal of registration

Invalid address

Address can be changed in the library system only, please contact the library which is able to change it.

Invalid e-mail

E-mail can be changed in the library system only, please contact the library which is able to change it.

Affiliation missing

If there is affiliation missing, it means that you do not have any relationship to CU at the moment, even though you may have had one in the past (student, employee). You need to go to the CU Point to get there a ID card of external user of services or the card of the Alumni Club. You will then have an external user relationship and will be able to renew your registration.

Card missing

To use the services of Charles University libraries it is necessary to have one of the Charles University ID cards, which can be obtained from the CU Point.


If there is some fine or fee at your account, you need to pay it. Please contact your library or the Alma Library System Administrator at admin-alma@cuni.cz.

In case of any problems and uncertainties, please contact the Central Catalog administrator at admin-alma@cuni.cz.

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