
Central Library of Charles University

Electronic application for the use of the services of Charles University libraries

Students, staff of CU (Charles University), and general public (holders of the card of external user of services or the card of the Alumni Club) can renew their registration to the CU libraries. A prerequisite for renewal is possession of one of the CU cards, obtainable at CU Point. The final step is apply below using the electronic application form.

Electronic application

By filling in the application form, you agree with the observance of the Library and Borrowing Regulations of Charles University (see Rector’s Directive No. 19/2022) and with the provision of personal data. By clicking on the „Electronic Application“ link you will be asked to log in to the Charles University Authentication Service (you will need to know your personal number and password to the UK system). After logging in you will see your current personal data. If your personal information is not up to date, you must log in to WhoIS and change it there. To change the permanent address, it is necessary to visit the study / personnel department of your faculty.

Users with an External User Card

Both internal Charles University users (students and employees) and public users can register via the electronic application form if they have picked up an external CU user card at one of the dispensing centres. Please note that external users have access to only a limited number of electronic resources, more information can be found on the Electronic Resources Portal.

Consent can not be granted? Follow these steps

Address not found

For Charles University staff and students: the address must be changed in WhoIS (Options: My personal and contact details> Contacts). To change your permanent address, it is necessary to visit the study / personnel department of your faculty.

For external users: for filling in the address please contact directly the Central Catalogue administrators (admin-alma@cuni.cz), phone: +420 224 491 291, +420 224 491 572, +420 224 491 835.

E-mail not found

For Charles University staff and students: the e-mail must be changed in WhoIS (Options: My personal and contact details> Contacts).

For external users: for filling in the e-mail please contact directly the Central Catalogue administrators (admin-alma@cuni.cz), phone: +420 224 491 291, +420 224 491 572, +420 224 491 835.

Affiliation not found

If the affiliation is missing, it means that you have no affiliation with Charles University at the moment, even if you may have had one in the past (student, employee, contract). You need to go to the CU Point to get there a ID card of external user of services or the card of the Alumni Club. You receive an external user affiliation and then you will be able to send the electronic application.

Card not found

To use the services of Charles University libraries it is necessary to have one of the Charles University ID cards, which can be obtained from the UK Point.

In case of any problems and uncertainties, please contact the Central Catalog administrator (admin-alma@cuni.cz).

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