
Central Library of Charles University

Emerald Publishing e-books – enjoy them until 11/30

Until 11/30/2022, all students and staff of Charles University have temporary access to a collection of e-books from many scientific disciplines on the Emerald platform. The platform covers a diverse range of disciplines.

This extensive book collection is available in the Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA) mode, which means that users have access to the entire book collection on the Emerald platform and then, based on statistics, the most read titles will be selected for permanent purchase.

Direct/remote access to the platform and other information can be found on the CU eResources Portal.

All e-books are also searchable in the university search engine UKAŽ.

The purchase has been supported from the ERDF programme “ERDF pro VŠ II na UK – VRR“Reg. No. CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/18_057/0013298

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